Design Reviews

Design reviews are an integral part of the product design process. It is a step in the process where a team is able to present and check their product ideas and prototypes against the requirements that have been developed, to see if they are on the right track. It's also a good time to check project scope, as well as get directed to useful resources.

The Challenge requires teams to complete four design reviews: two peer reviews with another teams, and two remote mentor reviews. The requirements and suggestions for the peer reviews are presented below. Presentation requirements are strict, but specific content may vary depending on the team and their progress. General tips on documentation and presentation are given in the Documentation and Presentation section of the course.

All design reviews should be student-led. Team coaches should not be primary presenters in any design review.

Officially supported teams:

Open competition teams:

Peer Reviews

Barring any exceptional circumstances, these should be done live over a video call, or in person if possible. Peer reviews can be done with more than one other team at the same time to get additional feedback (e.g. three or four teams arrange a video conference and present to each other in turn). If there are multiple teams in the school school/organization, it is preferred that those teams do not do their official peer reviews only with each other (though they should certainly practice with each other, if possible).

Teams must arrange their own peer reviews. We recommend using the Challenge Discord #looking-for-peer-reviewers channel to arrange peer review.

All peer review presentations should be followed by a Q&A period for the presenting team. Presenting teams should designate a scribe who is prepared to write down reviewers' comments.

Remote Mentor Reviews

Because of the number of teams in the Challenge, remote mentor reviews are asynchronous. Teams will record a video that shows their presentation, the speaker(s), and any product demonstrations. Feedback will be given by remote mentors. Challenge staff will try to match mentors and projects with the most appropriate expertise when possible.

Time Zones

All due dates are 11:59:59 PM (23:59:59) Anywhere on Earth (AoE). It means that if every place on Earth has passed the given date, it is past the due date. AoE is UTC-12:00.

Design review guidelines are below. Expand each section to see the specific guidelines.

White Gate - Preliminary Peer Review (due by February 2nd, 2025)

The purpose of this peer review is to share your team's initial progress with at least one other team. At this point, we nominally expect that teams have done the following:

These steps correspond to the Introduction and most of the Design Processes sections of the course. 

Preliminary prototyping often looks like paper prototypes (for user interfaces), or prototypes made of basic materials like cardboard, clay, and duct tape (to check measurements, fit, and movement). These generally should not look like complete products - if they do, you've likely over-engineered for this stage of the product design cycle.

Not every team will be quite at this point - some will be further ahead, and some will need a bit more time. That is okay! For this review, go down the list of requirements as much as you are able, keeping in mind that you are trying to present where your team is at so that you can get external feedback and help.

Presenter Guidelines

Reviewer Guidelines

If you are a student on another team watching a peer review, you are a reviewer. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Orange Gate - Preliminary Mentor Review (due by February 9th, 2025)

The purpose of this mentor review is similar to the White Gate review, but should incorporate any revisions and testing made since the initial peer review (White Gate). This review is also a prerequisite for requesting funding from Beaver Works, which also involves providing a bill of materials for your next iteration. Beaver Works will provide up to $125 of project funding based on team needs, though teams may supplement with their own fundraising, as needed.

Presenter Guidelines

Submission Guidelines (Officially Supported Teams)

Blue Gate - Critical Peer Review (due by March 9th, 2025)

The purpose of this peer review is to share your team's progress with at least one other team. At this point, we nominally expect that teams have gone through at least two design iterations, getting feedback from their co-designers at each step

Hi-fidelity prototypes can start to look like final products, and should be moving away from notional or stand-in components. For example, most, if not all hardware components should be made of sturdier materials than cardboard and duct tape, and software wireframes and paper prototypes should be giving way to real software demonstrations. That does not mean all components have to be in a complete state, and having some remaining in a lo-fi state is okay if you haven't gotten to those yet.

Not every team will be quite at this point - some will be further ahead, and some will need a bit more time. That is okay! For this review, go down the list of requirements as much as you are able, keeping in mind that you are trying to present where your team is at so that you can get external feedback and help.

Presenter Guidelines

Reviewer Guidelines

If you are a student on another team watching a peer review, you are a reviewer. Here are some things to keep in mind.

Brown Gate - Critical Mentor Review (due by March 16th, 2025)

The purpose of this mentor review is similar to the Blue Gate review. This review is due at the same time as the Blue Gate due to time constraints for review before the final event.

Presenter Guidelines

Submission Guidelines (Officially Supported Teams)

Black Gate - Final Event Submissions (due by April 13th, 2025 - no extensions)

There are two parts to the final event submission: a document and a video. The Final Event materials are due approximately one week before the event itself to allow for some down-selection for Challenge finalists.

Part 1: Document

The final prototype is a more refined version of your product that has gone through some iterations of design, test, and re-design. It might just be what your co-designer needed, or you may have a ways to go (so it may only be "final" for the purposes of this class). We'd like to know how you made it, and how others could make it as well! Also, please include pictures and videos whenever possible. Videos in the document should be GIFs, since they will auto-play when the document is viewed.

Who is your co-designer?

In your own words, tell us about your co-designer and what you learned from interviewing. And not just about their impairment - who are they as a person? Include anything that your co-designer would be comfortable sharing. Some of these things you may be able to answer before your interview, and others are things you should try to gather information on. Some suggestions:

Needs and Requirements

Concept Generation and Selection

Give us a narrative of your brainstorming! Tell us about the following:

Please also tell us briefly about your design iterations, how you went from earlier to more sophisticated prototypes, and what design elements you were testing in earlier iterations.

Tell Us About Your Product

Test Results


We'd like you to think about a few things after going through your final prototype.

Part 2: Video

Optional: Two-slide snapshot

Submission Instructions

Black Gate submission will be via Google Form, with the video and optional snapshot uploaded onto a separate Dropbox folder. Instructions have been sent to registered teams. If you have not previously registered with the CRE[AT]E Challenge, but would like to submit a project, please contact us at as soon as possible and we will send you instructions.

Design Review FAQ

Are design review checkoffs required for the Challenge?

Checkoffs are required for all Officially Supported Challenge Teams.

Where do I find the checkoff forms?

Checkoff form links are provided on the Challenge Discord, under the #design-review-checkoffs channel.

Does everyone on a team need to present?

Not everyone on a team needs to present at every review, though we would prefer that everyone on each team present at some point during the Challenge.

Can we do our reviews early?

Sure! Teams may want to do reviews early because of scheduling reasons, or because they are requesting funding from Beaver Works. If you are planning to do a peer review early, please arrange with another team. If you are planning to do a mentor review early, please just submit it as usual.

Help! I need to find another team to do a peer review!

We recommend using the Challenge Discord #looking-for-peer-reviewers channel to arrange peer review. If all else fails, ping @mentor and @staff and we'll see what we can do.

How should we do visual representations?

Visual representations are very important, as they help ensure that you and your reviewers have the same idea of what you are doing. Here are some suggestions, depending on what you are presenting:

Co-designer challenges - photos, including of the environment (with permission and co-designer media sign-off!); cartoon storyboards, diagrams

Mechanical products - hand-drawn diagrams; CAD drawings (from multiple views); photos; include measurements when possible

Electrical products - block diagrams of system components and interfaces; circuit diagrams; photos

Fabric/wearable products - hand-drawn pictures/diagrams; cutting layouts and patterns; photos, including while the product is being worn

Software products - block diagrams of system components and interfaces; user interaction flow diagrams; screenshots

How should we handle pictures, videos, and other information about co-designers?

If your presentations or any later documentation contains identifiable pictures or video of your co-designer (meaning someone can tell who that person is), they (or their parent or guardian) must fill out the Media Release form (the same one that your coaches received forwarded to team members). Regardless of whether or not your presentations contain identifiable information, you should ask your co-designer what information they are comfortable being public. Specific things that people may have varying levels of comfort with include:

Visual representations are important to the design process, especially as your product matures, so if your co-designer does not want any photos of them at all, you will have to be creative in how you present your work. Ideas include pictures without your co-designer, sketches of their use case, having a team member stand in for demonstrations as feasible, etc. This is not an easy thing to deal with, even outside the context of this course, to please do your best, remember to check with your co-designer, and ask course staff if you need any help.

If co-designers want to fill out a media release form (required if you are submitting videos or photographs that include identifying information, or other identifying information in text), please have them do so here: They will also need your team and coach's information.

Why are the design reviews "gates" and why do they have colors?

Beaver Works AT courses have a tradition of calling design reviews and documentation assignments "gates" and giving them a theme. Previous themes have included Middle Earth locations and dairy products.

Why are the design reviews called "preliminary" and "critical"?

Preliminary and critical design reviews (PDR and CDR) are terms borrowed from Systems Development Life Cycle and the way it is usually carried out in projects done for the United States Government. PDR and CDR (among other types of reviews) are commonly used by medical device developers (with the US Food and Drug Administration), space systems development (by NASA), and the US Department of Defense.

The common theme among all these (and what we want you to exercise) is to have independent outside experts (your peers and your remote mentors) examine your project's problem, approach, risks, and constraints, and ensure that you are on a good path towards project completion, providing suggestions, feedback, and possibly redirection as needed.